When faced with life's challenges,
it is Important to Remember
that although Daniel was saved from the lions,
he was not saved from the Lion's Den.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Baptism, Now You Are Eight
Baptism is so very important to us. It is a time that we get to make and keep covenants with our Heavenly Father. A time when our children take their first steps into responsibility and accountability.
The scriptures talk about baptism. One of my favorites is found in the Book of Mormon.
Then Alma said to them:
Baptism is the beginning of a new life for each one of us, a life of faith, a life of hope, a life of love, a life of purpose. The Lord is very clear as to what it means to keep his commandments, come into his fold, and be called his people. His people are
The scriptures talk about baptism. One of my favorites is found in the Book of Mormon.
Then Alma said to them:
“As ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, … what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, That ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?” (Mosiah 18:8–10.)Then one by one Alma took them into the waters and baptized them.
Baptism is the beginning of a new life for each one of us, a life of faith, a life of hope, a life of love, a life of purpose. The Lord is very clear as to what it means to keep his commandments, come into his fold, and be called his people. His people are
“willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light;“Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort.” (Mosiah 18:8–9.)
Next week, it will be my oldest grand daughter's eighth birthday. It is a time of joy in our family. A time to remember. A time to serve. A time to rejoice. A time when we teach her what it means to really take upon yourself the name of Jesus Christ. What a wonderful blessing this is for each of us.
Each of us who has been baptized has covenanted with the Lord to serve him and keep his commandments. Each one of us must stand as a witness of God. Each of us must comfort those in need. Each of us must bear one another’s burdens. And each of us must repent and continue in His way.
I pray that we will have unity and love as we strive together to keep the covenant we have made at baptism, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
This is a poem that I wrote for my first daughter over 25 years ago for her own special day.
Each of us who has been baptized has covenanted with the Lord to serve him and keep his commandments. Each one of us must stand as a witness of God. Each of us must comfort those in need. Each of us must bear one another’s burdens. And each of us must repent and continue in His way.
I pray that we will have unity and love as we strive together to keep the covenant we have made at baptism, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
This is a poem that I wrote for my first daughter over 25 years ago for her own special day.
Kirbi Dawn
(For your Eighth Birthday)
By Patricia A Pitterle (Mom)
Life isn’t always easy
As you have more or less found out
It takes courage, faith and charity
To work through the pain and doubt.
But I know you can do it, my daughter,
For you are a Child of God.
You can live the teachings of Jesus.
You can grasp the iron rod.
You have a beautiful spirit;
Full of kindness, love and care,
You are ever in my thoughts and dreams
And always in my prayers.
You have a testimony,
I feel privileged to see it grow.
Pray often and be believing
And, with faith, you will come to know.
A loving Heavenly Father
And the tender mercies of His son
And as you walk your journey
Know you’re not the only one.
His spirit is there to guide to you
And show you what is true
The comforter holds you in His grasp
He walks right there with you.
In Which I Learn The Value Of Life
"The best things are nearest: breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of God just before you."
The other night, I had one of the scariest experiences of my entire life. We had a call come up in the middle of the night. It was about 4:00am when we were on our way back home in the ambulance. A single trip takes us about three hours, so by this time, we had been up since just before 2:00am. We were driving down the road when the headlights in front of us veered out of his lane and straight into our lane, then proceeded to come right at us. I was going approximately 60mph and he was doing at least 70mph. I hit the horn, swerved that big ambulance and somehow managed not to flip us over while we danced around the car.
The preparation for avoiding this possible accident began many years ago as I learned and than practiced safe driving habits. I have many, many years of defensive driving under my belt. Every year, before I can drive, I must pass off a 16 hour driving class. It is usually right around Christmas time, in the ice and the snow, and the cold, and is always inconvenient for me to attend. Still, for the past five years, I have gone and learned to drive that ambulance forwards and backwards through all kinds of obstacles.
Sometimes, it seems almost boring to go over the same things again and again. But this week, I was so grateful for the repetition in my life. The problem with ambulances is they roll easily if you drive them off the edge of the road when you are going fast. So, you don’t ever go off the edge of the road. You keep those tires on the blacktop.
Honestly, I can’t even begin to tell you how I missed that crazy driver. He never left our lane. He kept coming right at us. He did not swerve or veer away. He did not drift. One moment he was in his own lane and the next, he was in ours, coming straight at us and all we could see where the brightness of his headlights.
~Robert Louis Stevenson~
We both were sure that we were going to be dead. The medic who was with me (totally Mr. Calm by the way) told me that he could not believe that I had managed to avoid that car. I was not so calm, but couldn’t believe that I was still alive either. I am sure that it was a miracle in my life; a true blessing. All I could think of was that I wasn’t ready to die yet. There are still so many things that I need to do. There are still too many things that are yet undone.
Life is a lot like this ambulance ride of mine. We can be going along in our own direction when the choices and decisions of others will bring them right into our own area. There is not a lot that we can do to avoid those kinds of problems, the only thing we can do is to prepare ourselves by striving to get closer to our Heavenly Father day by day. It might not change the consequences, but it can change our own attitudes through the trials that we will face. Nothing we can do can prevent those moments, although some things we can do can give us a better chance of getting through them.
Life is a lot like this ambulance ride of mine. We can be going along in our own direction when the choices and decisions of others will bring them right into our own area. There is not a lot that we can do to avoid those kinds of problems, the only thing we can do is to prepare ourselves by striving to get closer to our Heavenly Father day by day. It might not change the consequences, but it can change our own attitudes through the trials that we will face. Nothing we can do can prevent those moments, although some things we can do can give us a better chance of getting through them.
Today, I am grateful for life and all it's many lessons. Even the ones that I don't seem to like or appreciate. I know that each and every day is a gift from my Heavenly Father. It is up to me to learn and grow from the experience.
Linking up for Life Unmasked over at Joy's. Hope to see you there.
Linking up for Life Unmasked over at Joy's. Hope to see you there.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Sabbath Day Scribblings - The Best Things
"The best things are nearest:
breath in your nostrils,
light in your eyes,
flowers at your feet,
duties at your hand,
the path of God just before you."
~Robert Louis Stevenson
Five Minute Friday - Grateful
For fun, for love of the sound of words, for play, for delight, for joy and celebration at the art of communication.
For only five short, bold, beautiful minutes. Unscripted and unedited. We just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.
Won’t you join us?
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link over here at The Gypsy Mama and invite others to join in.
3. Most importantly: leave a comment for the person who linked up before you – encouraging them in their writing!
OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:Grateful…StartI have so many things to be grateful for. I am so grateful for a loving husband. One who accepts me just as I am with all my faults and failings. One who does not rub my nose in them either. He just loves me, and lets me learn to be better.So grateful for my sweet girls who are still home. For the fighting, and the arguing, and the loving and the caring and the sharing that comes with these teens and nearly teens that I share my space with. I am so grateful for the children that I have raised. Who are grown and on their own. They have blessed my life so much! I have learned new things watching them grow, and new things each time I am with them. I am so grateful for grandchildren in my life. The nine that I have now, as well as the two new ones on the way. Those little ones remind me how life goes continues.I am most grateful for the things that I have that make life just a little bit easier. I love living in this amazing country, where people don't starve because of lack of food. I am thankful for our health and for our many blessings.Most of all, I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and His Son. For the unconditional love that I feel from them. I am grateful for the lessons that they have given me to learn. For the trials that have made me better. I am grateful for the many gifts that they have given me throughout this amazing journey that we call life. STOP Now it is your turn. What can you write in just five minutes?
For only five short, bold, beautiful minutes. Unscripted and unedited. We just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.
Won’t you join us?
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link over here at The Gypsy Mama and invite others to join in.
3. Most importantly: leave a comment for the person who linked up before you – encouraging them in their writing!
OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:Grateful…StartI have so many things to be grateful for. I am so grateful for a loving husband. One who accepts me just as I am with all my faults and failings. One who does not rub my nose in them either. He just loves me, and lets me learn to be better.So grateful for my sweet girls who are still home. For the fighting, and the arguing, and the loving and the caring and the sharing that comes with these teens and nearly teens that I share my space with. I am so grateful for the children that I have raised. Who are grown and on their own. They have blessed my life so much! I have learned new things watching them grow, and new things each time I am with them. I am so grateful for grandchildren in my life. The nine that I have now, as well as the two new ones on the way. Those little ones remind me how life goes continues.I am most grateful for the things that I have that make life just a little bit easier. I love living in this amazing country, where people don't starve because of lack of food. I am thankful for our health and for our many blessings.Most of all, I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and His Son. For the unconditional love that I feel from them. I am grateful for the lessons that they have given me to learn. For the trials that have made me better. I am grateful for the many gifts that they have given me throughout this amazing journey that we call life. STOP Now it is your turn. What can you write in just five minutes?
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Writer's Workshop - Thanksgiving is a gift
Now it’s your turn!
Choose a prompt, post it on your blog, and come over to Mama Kat's to add your name to the link list. Be sure to sign up with the actual post URL and not just your basic blog URL (click on the title of your post for that URL). For good comment karma try to comment on the three blogs above your name!!
The Prompts:
1.) Share a Thanksgiving recipe you will be cooking up this week.
2.) What traditions do you carry on with your family each year?
3.) A favorite Thanksgiving memory.
4.) Write a poem about something you’re thankful for this Thanksgiving.
5.) Who is cooking the turkey you will be eating for Thanksgiving this year? Share a memory that makes you smile when you think of this person.
I chose number 4.) to write a poem.
Thanksgiving is a Gift
by Patricia A Pitterle
The turkey is eaten, the children are fed
Football is over I'm ready for bed.
The table is cleared now the dishes are done
The children are gathered to watch Christmas reruns!
The house is all quiet ,the day is complete
The guests have all gone, now I put up my feet.
I have watched as my children have laughed and had fun
They've eaten enough and Thanksgiving is done.
But wait just a moment, who says it must go?
This is the thing I would like you to know.
Remember your blessings, count them every day.
By seeking His goodness you will find His way.
He never leaves you, you are not alone
No matter that right now you feel on your own.
So spend time to acknowledge His love in your life
See His blessings surround you as you walk through your strife.
Make this moment a gift that you give to His Son.
The gift of your seeing just what He has done.
Remember the lepers, there were ten cleansed that day.
But only one faced the Savior his "thank you" to say.
Don't be like the nine with gratitude unexpressed
Leaving His presence and none would attest
His hand in their healing, His eyes on their souls,
His heart on their reaching, His love made them whole.
Gratitude isn't something that just comes once a year
It lives in your heart, it should be always near.
So look for your blessings, acknowledge they're there
Just open your eyes, look around you, and share.
By seeing the goodness in the midst of your trials
You'll find joy in the journey and after awhile
Thanksgiving won't be a day that is just sun to sun.
It's a gift that you give Him after all He has done.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
"The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts.
No Americans have been more impoverished than these who,
nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving." ~H.U. Westermayer
So many things this week that fill my heart and soul with gratefulness. I am minded that we each have difficulties. Some are seen, some are unseen. No matter what those around us believe, we each have trials that strengthen and help us grow. Yet, no matter what trials I am in the midst of, I still find so many things to be grateful for in my life.
I have learned that gratitude is a positive experience. It comes from recognizing our blessings and feeling thankful for them. It is also an attitude. It affects our perceptions of the things around us.
Once, many years ago, I injured my knee in a skiing accident. After being on crutches for a couple of months, I was finally put in a leg brace and allowed to return to work. During my first week at work, I was attacked by a dog and injured my knee even worse than before. I was devastated.
My family depended on me to be able to work and pay the bills. There was no one else that I could turn to for help. I was discouraged and depressed. I saw my situation as hopeless.
One day, someone reminded me that, although things had gone wrong in my life, I still had much to be grateful for. Just because I couldn't see past that one injury did not mean that I was forgotten. I spent many months on crutches before I was finally able to have surgery. The work that I did sitting, ended up being the experience I needed later and was largely responsible for the promotions that I received.
Changing my own attitude made doing new things a joy instead of a drudgery. I learned to recognize that opportunities often look like difficulties before they are resolved. I learned that blessings always come from adversities, although we don't always see them until much later in our lives. The Lord never leaves us alone. He really is there and knows what we need to get through.
I learned to appreciate the blessings of service given by others. I learned to receive priesthood blessings and to follow the council that I heard. I learned to ask when I needed something and not just expect others to see. I felt a great dependence on my Heavenly Father and learned to seek His help for all my challenges. I truly learned in a very personal way, the meaning of one of my favorite songs by Michael McLean:
You are loved in ways that can't be shown, your needs are known
You're not alone.
And when you cry you're just letting go a heartache deep inside
So tomorrow there'll be sunshine and sky and love close by
You're not alone.
Well I know that it's not easy, but I know that it won't last
Cause one who loves you more than me
is sending blessings fast.
You're not alone.....Say it one more time, "I'm not alone"
And even when it's hard to find the words
Your prayers are always heard
Your're not alone.
President Thomas S. Monson spoke of the power of gratitude when he stated,
“We can lift ourselves, and others as well, when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude." Thomas S. Monson, “An Attitude of Gratitude,” Liahona and Ensign,Feb. 2000, 2.So, what are you feeling grateful for today.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
My father, if the prophet had bid thee do some great thing, wouldest thou not have done it? how much rather then, when he saith to thee, Wash, and be clean?I can't help thinking how like Naaman we can be. It is not the big things that we might be asked to do that bother us. It is the little, inconsequential everyday things that seem to cause us the most problems. Heavenly Father was not trying to show Naaman how mighty the Jordon River was. I think He was trying to teach him how important it is to follow the prophet of the Lord in all things, especially the small ones. Just because Naaman was a great man did not mean that the Lord was going to heal him in a great way. It was necessary for Naaman to learn to humble himself and trust in Him who knows all things.
Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.
In my own life, I have discovered how much it is the small things that really matter. The tone of my voice, the gentleness of touch, the whispered words of encouragement and love. All of those things mean much more than the things of the world that we can get so lost in. Often, I think that I want to show my love in great ways, yet, if I will only look, I will see that I am surrounded by millions of little ways that all bear witness of the great gift of Love. Each of us, just like Naaman, get the chance to decide what is most important in our lives. Is it pride? Or is it obedience to the small, simple commandments? Is it the things of the world? Or is it the teachings of God? What are you going to choose?
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Sabbath Day Scribblings - Keep Living
~Jeffrey R. Holland
A Simple Moment - Dancing With Daddy
A single photo
– no words –
capturing a moment from our lives.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment
I want to pause, savor and remember.
A moment
that brings a smile to my lips,
Friday, November 18, 2011
Five Minute Friday - Grow
On Fridays around these parts we stop, drop, and write.
For fun, for love of the sound of words, for play, for delight, for joy and celebration at the art of communication.
For only five short, bold, beautiful minutes. Unscripted and unedited. We just writewithout worrying if it’s just right or not.
Won’t you join us?

The doll that she once played with, now sits alone up on the shelf.
The books and toys all put away, her clothes made into quilts.
The small girl that she used to be, no longer looks same.
A woman grown now takes her place, and she does not complain.
Her hopes and dreams and wishes have changed all through the years.
She has grown to be much wiser now, through doubts and pain and tears.
The girl she used to be is gone, a grown woman takes her place
And if she looks into her heart, she finds her Father's face.
His never ending touch of kindness and His eternal Love,
Have taught her that His tender mercies come often from above
And as she grows in stature and seeks His loving grace,
She finds her heartbreaks melt away, wrapped softly in Her faith.
She might not be the child she was when she once was very small,
But she can be the woman He needs when she gives to Him her all.
For fun, for love of the sound of words, for play, for delight, for joy and celebration at the art of communication.
For only five short, bold, beautiful minutes. Unscripted and unedited. We just writewithout worrying if it’s just right or not.
Won’t you join us?
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back to the Gypsy Mama and invite others to join in.
3. Most importantly: leave a comment for the person who linked up before you – encouraging them in their writing!
OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:
2. Link back to the Gypsy Mama and invite others to join in.
3. Most importantly: leave a comment for the person who linked up before you – encouraging them in their writing!
OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:
The doll that she once played with, now sits alone up on the shelf.
The books and toys all put away, her clothes made into quilts.
The small girl that she used to be, no longer looks same.
A woman grown now takes her place, and she does not complain.
Her hopes and dreams and wishes have changed all through the years.
She has grown to be much wiser now, through doubts and pain and tears.
The girl she used to be is gone, a grown woman takes her place
And if she looks into her heart, she finds her Father's face.
His never ending touch of kindness and His eternal Love,
Have taught her that His tender mercies come often from above
And as she grows in stature and seeks His loving grace,
She finds her heartbreaks melt away, wrapped softly in Her faith.
She might not be the child she was when she once was very small,
But she can be the woman He needs when she gives to Him her all.
Writer's Workshop - Seven Wonders
Choose a prompt, post it on your blog, and come over to Mama Kat's to add your name to the link list. Be sure to sign up with the actual post URL and not just your basic blog URL (click on the title of your post for that URL). For good comment karma try to comment on the three blogs above your name!!
The Prompts:
1.) List your life’s Seven Wonders. Describe the most amazing 7 things you’ve seen with your own two eyes.
2.) Your biggest parenting challenge and/or joy.
3.) Married? Tell us the story of how the question was popped.
4.) Your prom dress.
5.) Write a love letter to an inanimate object.
I am choosing to write about my life's seven wonders. I have been privileged to see many things, to be part of many more. There are some that have stood out and been the things that have filled my mind and my heart with wonder.
7) The look in the eyes of a newborn baby the first time that they really look at their mother. There is just something of indescribable wonder when you are witness to that moment. I treasure in my heart the first time that nine sets of eyes look into mine. I treasure just as much, seeing that look between my own children and their newborns. It reminds me of what a gift each one is.
6) The first time a child toddles across the floor into the waiting arms of a parent. The joy, the amazement, the wonder of that delicious second when you realize that your baby is growing up.
5) The wonder of the first day of school. The pictures with the backpacks that are nearly bigger than those sweet children. Those so small five-year-olds who step up the steps of the bus and wave out the windows with excitement. The wonder of growing and learning and living all messed into one moment.
4) The wonder of the special time when a child is baptized. That sweet spirit all dressed in white and ready to make promises and covenants with a loving Heavenly Father. A child that is old enough to think about and express what they believe, what they hope, and what they need. The wonder of forgiveness captured in a moment of joy and washing.
3) The wonder of teenagers in all their emotional upheavals. The knowledge that this too shall pass and that you just might miss it. The rare moments when she reaches for a hug or a whispered "I love you". The gift of being part of their lives during the time of growing and needing and reaching and becoming. The wonder of seeing what they can become.
2) The wonder of a wedding day that is for a young man or young woman that you still think of as a child. The amazement that someone else loves them as much as you do. That someone else sees that glimpse of eternity in their eyes. The love that sparks back and forth and draws you into that moment. It reminds you of the moments in your own life. The times past, and the times yet to come. The wonder of love in all it's glory.
1) The wonder of God's love for each of us. The older I get, and the more my eyes see, the more I am amazed at the things that He has created for us. I am reminded of His wonders everywhere I look. I see Him in the first snowfall, in a newborn's cry, in the gentle sound of the rain on the roof, in the touch of a child's hand in mine. In the midst of difficulties, I am still in awe of His love, each and every day. I see the promise of eternity in His words. I feel His spirit in the kindness of strangers and the love of friends.
Every. Single. Thing. Testifies to me of His grace.
The greatest wonder of all is simply that He loves me.
Now it’s your turn! What are you going to write about?
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Old Testament Reading and Pondering
We have been reading the Old Testament in the morning as a family and actually enjoying much of it together. I am continually amazed at the things the Israelites did during that time. No matter how many times God forgave them, they kept going right back to the type of behavior that caused them problems in the first place. And the biggest thing was how quickly they returned to their bad behaviors. Seems as if the Lord would send a prophet to call them to repentance, they would repent (usually after one of the kings died) and as soon as the prophet was gone, they would go right back to the way they were before he came. It has really made me ponder my own behavior and what I do when things don't go as I planned.
I can't help thinking how often I want things to just work out. I have a plan for the events in my life. A way I want them to be. A time line and expectations for my life. Then, things don't go as planned. Some tragedy strikes. Someone gets sick, someone hurts, something happens to totally destroy my plan A.
Sometimes I have a plan B, or a plan C. Sometimes I can be accepting of the difficulty. But I can also behave much like a child and question my Heavenly Father. I can too often, ask "why me?".
So, in all my Old Testament stories that I am sharing with the kids, one really stood out today. It is the story of Joseph. He knew when he was only 17 years old what he was called to be. He knew that he would stand over his brothers. That he would be a leader to them. At 17, he was given that gift in a dream, and he decided to share it with them and let them know what he knew. His brothers did not take it well. So, this young man who knew what the plan was for him,
was thrown in a pit,
sold into slavery,
served a master,
was thrown in jail for over eight years,
served Pharaoh by preparing the land for famine,
and finally, after all was completed
found himself living the dream that he had seen years before as a boy of 17.
Somehow, in all of that, he never lost the vision of what Heavenly Father had in store for him. The bible never talks about Joseph asking "Why me?" He trusted in the Lord to bring all to pass, and the Lord did.
Somehow, in this life, I need to remember that no matter what happens, the Lord is with me. He knows the plan. Even when I lose the vision and no longer see the way, He still knows what He needs me to be. Whatever life we are living, no matter how different it is than the one we dreamed of, it is still the Lord's plan for us. He knows exactly what He is doing. Even if we have lost the vision, He never has. Faith is not about wanting things to happen in a set way, faith is about wanting what God wants for us.
Face you doubts,
Master your fears,
Stay the course.
When you are not sure that He is there, and that He knows the plan, look back over your life and you will see His hand guiding and directing you throughout all your difficulties and trials. He knows you. He cares for you. He loves you. He really, really is there.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Beautiful Heartbreak
I was able to hear this performed live at Time Out For Women only two weeks ago. Can I just say that it is so amazing. The message is exactly what I needed. I hope that you also enjoy the message as well as the music. I do know that each and every one of my heartbreaks have become beautiful to me. There is nothing that I would give up if I could chose to. The blessings have been so very worth the pain. Sometimes, you just have to get through the moment before you can see blessings that await you on the other side of the heartbreak.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Sabbath Day Scribblings - Looking Up
"Recently Sister Cook and I attended a women’s conference in South Africa. After we listened to some inspiring messages on applying the Atonement in our lives, the stake Relief Society president invited everyone outside. We were each given a helium balloon. She explained that our balloon represented whatever burden, trial, or hardship was holding us back in our lives. On the count of three, we released our balloons, or our “burdens.” As we looked up and watched our burdens float away, there was an audible “Ahhhh.” That simple act of releasing our balloons provided a marvelous reminder of the indescribable joy that comes from looking up and thinking of Christ." Carl B. Cook
Saturday, November 12, 2011
A Simple Moment - Loving on Emma
This Moment
A single photo
– no words –
capturing a moment from our lives.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment
I want to pause, savor and remember.
A moment
that brings a smile to my lips,
and joy to my heart.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Five Minute Friday - Unexpected
On Fridays around these parts we join The Gypsy Mama where we stop, drop, and write.
For fun, for love of the sound of words, for play, for delight, for joy and celebration at the art of communication.
For only five short, bold, beautiful minutes. Unscripted and unedited. We just writewithout worrying if it’s just right or not.
Won’t you join us?
Won’t you join us?
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Most importantly: leave a comment for the person who linked up before you – encouraging them in their writing!
OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Most importantly: leave a comment for the person who linked up before you – encouraging them in their writing!
OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:
I expected so much from life. I had big dreams and desires. So many things that I would do and say and be. I remember wanting to be a doctor. Of wanting to help others and serve where I was needed. So many moments in life for hard work and learning strength and compassion. So many people who needed me, right that very minute. So, my dreams were pushed to the back, and other needs took priority in my life. I still expected so much, but the things I expected changed with time.
I learned to be a nurse to my children, to serve with love, to make birthday cakes and home-made clothes. I learned that money isn't everything, and that you can make do without your wants as long as you can cover the needs. I learned how far a dollar can really go, if you need it to. I received almost nothing that I expected in my life, but nearly everything that I could have dreamed of.
In learning to deal with the unexpected, I learned that God never provides a challenge for us without a blessing to follow. For me, one of the most unexpected blessings was the birth of my last child. I was finished. I was not going to have any more children. I thought eight was enough, and the last one was so difficult that I did not want anymore. I discovered I was pregnant because I became very ill. In the course of treating the illness, the doctor discovered that I was going to have a baby. I was shocked, I was scared, I was upset. It was a completely unexpected gift.
That pregnancy was one of the most difficult that I experienced. I had diabetes that was diagnosed 4 weeks into my pregnancy. Along with that, I was sick the entire time and had to be on medication. I lost five pounds over the nine months and did not gain any weight at all. The baby was born on her due date and weighed in at a whopping 9 lbs and 11 oz.
She has been an amazing gift to our family. She is sweet, loving and kind. She has blessed us with her love and her amazing outlook on the world around her. I have learned that the unexpected can lead to the greatest gifts of all.
I expected so much from life. I had big dreams and desires. So many things that I would do and say and be. I remember wanting to be a doctor. Of wanting to help others and serve where I was needed. So many moments in life for hard work and learning strength and compassion. So many people who needed me, right that very minute. So, my dreams were pushed to the back, and other needs took priority in my life. I still expected so much, but the things I expected changed with time.
I learned to be a nurse to my children, to serve with love, to make birthday cakes and home-made clothes. I learned that money isn't everything, and that you can make do without your wants as long as you can cover the needs. I learned how far a dollar can really go, if you need it to. I received almost nothing that I expected in my life, but nearly everything that I could have dreamed of.
In learning to deal with the unexpected, I learned that God never provides a challenge for us without a blessing to follow. For me, one of the most unexpected blessings was the birth of my last child. I was finished. I was not going to have any more children. I thought eight was enough, and the last one was so difficult that I did not want anymore. I discovered I was pregnant because I became very ill. In the course of treating the illness, the doctor discovered that I was going to have a baby. I was shocked, I was scared, I was upset. It was a completely unexpected gift.
That pregnancy was one of the most difficult that I experienced. I had diabetes that was diagnosed 4 weeks into my pregnancy. Along with that, I was sick the entire time and had to be on medication. I lost five pounds over the nine months and did not gain any weight at all. The baby was born on her due date and weighed in at a whopping 9 lbs and 11 oz.
She has been an amazing gift to our family. She is sweet, loving and kind. She has blessed us with her love and her amazing outlook on the world around her. I have learned that the unexpected can lead to the greatest gifts of all.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Writer's Workshop - My Friend
It is time for my weekly writing workshop with Mama Kat. Hope to see you there!
Writing Prompts:
Choose a writing prompt from the list provided that inspires you most.
Go over to Mama Kat's and paste the URL from your post into the list of links that will be displayed…this way anyone can click on your post thumbnail and head over to your place to see what you wrote.
Writing Prompts:
1.) The SITS Girls are giving away a Canon Rebel Camera and are asking people to enter by writing a post following these directions and answer this prompt: Spending time with friends and family can lead to fun and memorable moments, but also some very messy ones. Tell us about the messiest moments that you’ll always remember! Let’s hear yours!
2.) One good reason why you are not in charge of your family’s finances.
3.) Write about your favorite place to eat when you were a child.
4.) Write a poem where the last two words are ‘my friend’.
5.) Fall in your neighborhood! Share some Fall pictures that capture the season in your neck of the woods.
I chose number 4) Write a poem where the last to words are "my friend".
My Friend
by Patricia A Pitterle
Sometimes, I feel so lonely
On this journey we call life.
The road is rough
And full of ruts
And toil and pain and strife.
It’s hard to keep my focus,
When tears fall from my eyes.
I hear whispers
That I’m all alone,
My heart within me cries.
Sometimes the voice would have me think
I am not worth His fight.
Not good enough
To feel His love.
Please hide me from His sight.
And though I seem to listen
And fear those words are true.
A part of me
Holds fast to faith
That He will guide me through.
Slowly, my eyes are opened,
I come to see His grace.
He walks with me
He talks with me
He leads me through this place.
In ways I don’t yet understand
He took my sins from me
And suffered that
I might now know,
He lived and died for me.
And safe at last, in His embrace
My heart will finally mend
As I gaze into
His loving face,
My Savior and my friend.
Writer's Workshop - Fall in these parts
It is time for my weekly writing workshop with Mama Kat. Hope to see you there!
Writing Prompts:
Choose a writing prompt from the list provided that inspires you most.
Go over to Mama Kat's and paste the URL from your post into the list of links that will be displayed…this way anyone can click on your post thumbnail and head over to your place to see what you wrote.
Writing Prompts:
1.) The SITS Girls are giving away a Canon Rebel Camera and are asking people to enter by writing a post following these directions and answer this prompt: Spending time with friends and family can lead to fun and memorable moments, but also some very messy ones. Tell us about the messiest moments that you’ll always remember! Let’s hear yours!
2.) One good reason why you are not in charge of your family’s finances.
3.) Write about your favorite place to eat when you were a child.
4.) Write a poem where the last two words are ‘my friend’.
5.) Fall in your neighborhood! Share some Fall pictures that capture the season in your neck of the woods.
Here are some fall pictures from my neck of the woods. Hope you enjoy them as much as we have!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
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