My sweet Sadie was baptized last week! I was so very excited for this event. I was able to fly all the way to Georgia to take part. It is always such a special day for my grandchildren. They learn a lot before they get to be baptized. This is a day when as many members of the family as possible gather together to celebrate and share in the happiness.
I was asked to give the talk on the Holy Ghost. My sister, Aunt Sandi, gave the talk on Baptism.
Here talk was on the "Three Bears of Baptism". Sadie loved it. She has named all three of her bears and it was really fun for her. I gave the talk on the Holy Ghost.
You are now starting a journey and will need a guide and some things for this journey. Your guide is the Holy Ghost and he will help you in these special ways:
Flash Light- When you are confirmed, you receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. That gift is like a light that you can keep on all the time, like a flashlight -- a constant companion. The Holy Ghost can light your way and help you know the light and truth of the gospel. We can keep our "batteries" charged and keep the light of the Spirit in our life by attending church, serving in callings, obeying the commandments, and living worthily. Just like the flashlight, if we do not recognize the Holy Ghost, if we do not keep our batteries charged, we will lose the light within our lives.
A Compass- The Holy Ghost is also like a compass because he will guide you in the right direction and help you make good choices. He will help you find your way home if you are lost. The Holy Ghost will help you find your way home to your Father in Heaven. Remember the story of Nephi and the Liahona? This compass only worked when they were righteous. If they weren’t living the commandments, the compass quit working until they repented. The Holy Ghost works for us the best when we are making good choices and trying to be like Jesus in our daily lives.
A Protector – The Holy Ghost is a protector like this umbrella. The umbrella protects us from rain and helps to keep us dry. The Holy Ghost protects us from the things of the world that would lead us away from our Heavenly Fathers path. He helps us to be in the world, but not of the world. Glasses- Like these glasses, the Holy Ghost can help you to focus and see clearly when you might feel confused.
A Teddy Bear- Holy Ghost will remind you to "bear" one another's burdens and "bear" your testimony.
A whistle – Sometimes the Holy Ghost will warn you of danger, almost like a whistle in your mind. His still, small voice will prompt you so you will be protected spiritually and physically.”
A bell- If you listen closely the bell will ring with a soft beautiful sound. You also have to listen closely to hear the Holy Ghost because he doesn't speak to us in a loud
voice. He speaks mainly to our mind and heart and spirit and if you aren't paying attention, the noise of the world will drown Him out.
A Blanket/comforter- Another name for the Holy Ghost is the comforter. This comforter is warm and soft and when you wrap it around yourself you feel safe and secure. This is the same feeling that the Holy Ghost can give you. You can have a warm, peaceful feeling inside and feel safe when you listen to the Holy Ghost.
The Savior – One of the most important functions of the Holy Ghost is to testify of the Father and the Son. The Holy Ghost will testify and witness to us that Jesus Christ is our Savior and our redeemer.
I would like to testify to you that the Holy Ghost will help you make the most important journey you will have during this earth life, to return to our Heavenly Father.
That was my talk, I think she really enjoyed her day. I know that we did. I love the fact that this sweet young lady is already making covenants to obey the commandments. She is amazing.