When faced with life's challenges,
it is Important to Remember
that although Daniel was saved from the lions,
he was not saved from the Lion's Den.

Thursday, January 11, 2018


I am trying so hard to find the "Blesson" in the challenges that I am surrounded by.  It can be a really hard concept to get right.  I always thought that I knew how to forgive, I thought that I had a handle on life.  I thought I could endure right through anything.  I was wrong. 
I think we all have moments when we feel like the bottom has literally dropped out of our world.  I think life can throw some real difficulties at us.  Just when I am sure I have it under control, something that I never imagined comes at me.  So, I am learning. 
I am growing.
I am struggling and I am trying to change my own personal view of the trials I face. 
I wish I could say it is easy, but it isn't.  So, I am just trying to view it as a learning experience.  I am trying to find the personal message in the struggles for me. 
I believe in a Loving, Giving, Understanding Heavenly Father.  I don't believe that he gives me hardships.  I do believe that He allows me to experience them and helps me through them.  He allows them to happen to us because He doesn't take away the free agency from any one of us.  Sometimes, people make bad choices and they cause pain and grief to others.  Sometimes, we make our own bad choices.  Sometimes, the things that happen are just part of life.
It is the hardest lesson I have ever had to learn.  Well, that and not hating the person who is responsible.  I am trying to find the compassion inside my own soul.  I am trying to give out kindness instead of anger and hate.  I am trying to heal with love. 
I am trying to see and recognize the BLESSON.

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