Laughter is the shock absorber that eases the blows of life.
I saw this one today and had a good laugh. When I went to visit my daughters a couple of months ago, I played the alphabet game with the grand-daughters on our way to Kansas. I have to admit, some letters are so much harder to find! I could have really used a sign like this when the going got tough.
I am not always good about laughing. Life can seem pretty serious to me on a regular basis. I forget to just enjoy it every once in awhile. I really think that I need to learn to laugh a little more at myself and take things just a little less seriously. I need to quit wishing for things to be clear and helpful and trust that they will become that way as time goes on. I will be able to find the Q's, X's, Y's and Z's that I need. And a little laughter will go a long way toward making it a fun journey. May we each find a little more joy in our day to day existance.
You are so right; I like you take life too serious and we need to be happy and laugh more. Thanks for the reminder and blessings to you!