When faced with life's challenges,
it is Important to Remember
that although Daniel was saved from the lions,
he was not saved from the Lion's Den.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Let the Roots Stretch

Seems to me, like there has been a lot of wind in my life!  I don't always feel like I have stood as firm as I might wish.  Sometimes, I am pretty sure that I have wavered and bent and maybe even broke a few branches.  It is true though, that we will all have to face difficulties and trials.  Life is hard.  It is full of pitfalls, sin and choices.  I have learned though, that we never face a heartache of a lesson where there is not also a reward.  It might come soon, or it might come later, but it always comes. 
This year, I am learning how not to yield to all the winds that blow me from one side to the other.  I am learning how to stand tall and bend in the wind.  I am learning to let my roots sink deep within the soil of His love and resist the temptation to yield. 
I am learning to let my soul seek Him. 

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