When faced with life's challenges,
it is Important to Remember
that although Daniel was saved from the lions,
he was not saved from the Lion's Den.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Five Minute Friday - Encouragement

Today is one of my favorite days of the week.  It is Friday.  Five Minute Friday to be exact.  So, I hope you all decide to join us for our weekly writing spree over at Lisa Jo's place.  You simply write for five minutes about the prompt.  Then you go back to Lisa Jo's and post your link.  I can't wait to see what you write!

“Night never had the last word. 
The dawn is always invincible.”
-Hugh B. Brown-

The prompt this week is.....



Dawn is ALWAYS invincible.  It will come.  Sometimes, when we think the night will never end, the sun just starts to peak over the horizon.  Dawn comes sometimes softly, sometimes slowly, sometimes in a flash of colorful light, but it does come. 
It can be so hard to be encouraged when life is handing you lemons.  It can be so hard to pick yourself up and brush yourself off and just keep going on.  But you don't get anywhere if you aren't moving.  My heart has known some hard times.  My eyes have seen things I would rather forget.  Life has not always been good to me, but I have found that when I focus on the positive, things change. 
I have discovered that the best way to help myself is to encourage someone else.  I have found my testimony in bearing the burdens of another.  I have seen God in the faces of those whose hearts are aching and in the writings of their hearts.  I have become who I am, not only by being given encouragement from those around me, but by giving it to others who need it most. 
Often, when I am trying to help someone else, I find the answers I have been seeking. 
Darkness fades into the dawn.  The light does come, often when we least expect it. 


Now it is your turn to join in for Five Minute Friday.  Don't forget to go over to Lisa Jo's and share your own experience.  I hope to see you there!


  1. "I have discovered that the best way to help myself is to encourage someone else." Very true. It seems when we don't focus on our own troubles but reach out to help and encourage others, we in turn are encouraged, too. Great post!

  2. Very true, thank you for sharing. "Often, when I am trying to help someone else, I find the answers I have been seeking." I can only nod my head. You nailed it. Great post!

  3. You are a beautiful writer. Great words. I loved that line about writings of their hearts.

  4. Aw w, I loved this one. You shared some wonderful thoughts in just 5 minutes. I certainly felt encouraged.
    Blessings for this one~

  5. Wonderful writing.
    " The light does come, often when we least expect it,"
    touched my heart thank you for this encouragement
