When faced with life's challenges,
it is Important to Remember
that although Daniel was saved from the lions,
he was not saved from the Lion's Den.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday Devotional - What Shall We Give

I found this yesterday and hope that it reminds you of the true meaning of Christmas.  May we each remember, with joy and thanksgiving, He whom this season is really about.

What shall we give to the babe in the manger,
What shall we offer the child in the stall?
Incense and spices and gold we've got plenty-
Are these the gifts for the king of us all?
What shall we give to the boy in the temple,
What shall we offer the man by the sea?
Palms at his feet and hosannas uprising;
Are these for him who will carry the tree?
What shall we give to the lamb who was offered,
Rising the third day and shedding his love?
Tears for his mercy we'll weep at the manger,
Bathing the infant come down from above.


  1. I really enjoyed this song when they sang it at the First Presidency Christmas Devotional tonight. It's beautiful to hear it with the images of the Savior here too.

  2. Lovely. :) I've also been loving all over again the Mormon message that has the little girl building a nativity, even while her family is stressing about money and toys and which gifts to ask for... it makes me cry EVERY single time. It's called the Spirit of Christmas, I think.

    Patty Ann, also loved your post on MMB today. How have I managed to not be subscribed to your blog?! So happy to be able to rectify that situation this morning.

  3. Thanks for sharing this beautiful video! I love the scenes from Christ's life . . . so lovely.
