When faced with life's challenges,
it is Important to Remember
that although Daniel was saved from the lions,
he was not saved from the Lion's Den.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Writers Workshop - Ordinary Heroes

Today, better late than never, I am writing and linking up over at Mama Kat's for her weekly writers workshop.  Hope to see you there too!
Now it’s your turn!
Mama's Losin' It
Choose a prompt, post it on your blog, and go over to Mama Kat's to add your name to the link list. Be sure to sign up with the actual post URL and not just your basic blog URL (click on the title of your post for that URL). For good comment karma try to comment on the three blogs above your name!!
The Prompts:
1.) Write about a time you shoved someone.
2.) If you were a hoarder, based on your personality…what would you hoard? (better yet, ask someone who knows you well, what they think you would hoard).
3.) First day of school pictures…let’s have’em!
4.) 911 memories.
5.) Your summer recap in a poem and pictures.

I chose to remember my 911 memories.  I have been struggling to write this, and may tweak it a little more yet!

Ordinary Heroes
 by Patricia A Pitterle

What does it mean
To be a hero?
In my lifetime I have seen
Ordinary heroes,
Walking among us.
Men and women
Who, in times
Of trial and distress,
Put their lives on the line
And stepped up to help others.

Perhaps, One of the
Best known examples
Of the sacrifices
Made by ordinary people
Happened not so long ago,
During a time
When people rushed from place to place,
And heroes seemed to be people
Found only in the history books
Of the past.
The day dawned
Bright and beautiful,
Full of blue skies
And normal people
Living ordinary lives,
Heading out their doors,
And off to work.
It was, after all,
Just another ordinary, summer day,
In America.

I too, left for work
In the darkness
Of that September morning,
Never thinking
That my life would be so changed.
Never knowing
That my heart would be so touched
By those who lived and died
During that terrible tragedy
In New York City. 

At work, we listened
To the morning news
When the report of an “accident”
In New York City
Made us pause and gather
At the television, where we watched
As American Airlines flight eleven
Slammed into the ninety-third floor
Of the North Tower of
The World Trade Center.

We went back to work,
Each one of us thinking
Of the adversity that
The people in New York were facing.
Soon, we were called again
And we watched with horror
As United Airlines flight 175
Dove directly into the South Tower.
No longer could we convince ourselves
That this was ‘only an accident’.

We watched, riveted,
To the news reports,
As the smoke rolled,
Deep and black, into the sky.
We saw the people struggle
Through the murky haze
One by one,
Staggering into the clean air
Of the safety zone.
Survivors, coming from Ground Zero.

We rejoiced
With each life saved,
Then sat in stunned disbelief
As the two towers fell,
One after another.
Thousands of tons
Of concrete and steel
Tumbling like so many
Children’s building blocks,
Crashing to the ground.

The morning continued
With even more bad news
Two more planes were hijacked
One, American Airlines flight 77
Crashed into the pentagon,
Killing even more American citizens.
The other plane
Crashed into a farm field
Because of the sacrifice of those
Who gave their lives that others might live.    

Two columns of smoke
Billowed up into the sky that day,
Yet, out of the ashes
Of all those tragedies 
Rose a new generation of heroes.
Ordinary and yet, extraordinary.
Men and women who stepped up
And chose courage.
They walked through their own fears
To help others. 

Normal, everyday,
ordinary people, working together
In the midst of adversity,
To change a nation and touch a world.
That is the lesson of 911.
That is what it means to be an American;
Someone who cares, who shares,
Who rescues, who gives,
Who does his job every single day.
An extraordinary hero.


  1. This is incredible! Thanks for sharing.

  2. thank u sweet for patricia. i am really glad to share this w u. moving and improves my sense of presence. keep on.
