All my life, I have wanted to be a good parent. A better one than my parents were to me. I wanted my children to always know that they were loved and wanted in my life. I wanted them to have the chance to grow and make their own decisions. I wanted them to be children.
Sometimes, I would get angry with them. Sometimes I would forget that they were children, still learning, still growing, still becoming. Nevertheless, I wanted to do all that I could to exemplify the Savior in my life and explain my testimony and my love.
I used to be a yeller. My older children all grew up without me knowing that a quiet voice can accomplish so much more than a loud one. I had to grow up too. I had to learn that I did not have to parent the same way I was parented. I had to learn to be more Christlike in my own life, before I could teach them those things in theirs. I never wanted them to need to learn through my mistakes.
I have learned that I have taught them more than I ever realized. They love, they trust, they care. They have grown into amazing adults. They are all I could wish them to be. They have their own ideas, dreams and visions for the future, and that is alright. I want them to find their own way in this world and to hopefully remember what they were taught when they were small.
Most of all, I want them to remember that I loved them first. That I never forgot them, even if I wasn't perfect. Especially because I wasn't perfect. I want them to remember the good that I had to teach them. I want them to remember the Savior in my actions. I want them to be just a little better than I have been.
With true desire, I so often have pled:
More holiness give me, …
More patience in suff’ring,
More faith in my Savior, …
More tears for his sorrows,
More pain at his grief,
More meekness in trial,
More patience in suff’ring,
More faith in my Savior, …
More tears for his sorrows,
More pain at his grief,
More meekness in trial,
More praise for relief.
More sorrow for sin,
I am still working on all of it. But I am learning and loving and needing and so very blessed.